Natural Remedies for Cats – 20 Top Health Tips

Cat Health

It is becoming more and more recognised that natural or alternative treatments can be beneficial for both pets and humans. Whilst a trip to the vet or doctors should not be discounted when faced with an injury or illness, herbal and natural remedies can work side by side with conventional medicine. Here are just a few remedies that are commonly used by cat owners.


Ginko Biloba

This has a powerful anti-inflamatory action and inhibits bronchial constriction and hyper sensitivity. It can aleviate symptoms as diverse as asthma alergies and memory problems.

It is best crushed into the food, but is not recommended for pregnant or lactating cats.

2)Bacterial infection/Immune System

Bee Propolis

Propolis has been used throughout history to fight germs. It has been used to heal wounds and tumours and also for abscesses. It is probably one of the most effective natural antibiotics ever and has antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-parasitic properties.

Bee propolis is available in tablet form and also as a cream

3)Bad Breath

Aloe Vera Toothpaste.

Known for its healing properties, some aloe vera has been shown to have beneficial effects in the treatment of various mouth problems from gingivitus to bad breath. The paste is generally mixed with Bee propolis for added antibacterial asistance.

Be aware though, not all aloe vera is suitable for cats. The gel is not toxic, but the latex can cause problems for your dog or cat so make sure if you do buy any aloe vera it has no latex at all in its ingredients.

Bee Propolis

Strengthens the immune system and is antibacterial. Some bacteria are extemely sensitive to propolis.


One of its principal functions is combating bad odors, bad breath as well as body odor. This is apparently due to the magnesium it contains.


This belongs to the Labiate family which helps improve rheumatism, neuralgia, liver conditions, teeth and breath.

4)Cure Alls & First Aid

A selection of natural remedies have been shown to improve just about any sickness. Its always worthwhile therefore to keep at least one of them in your first aid kit. Here are some of the most popular.

Rescue Remedy

A combination of five herbs which comfort and reassure. It is also excellent for depression and stress. Use at times of extreme shock or when introducing a new cat into the household (give some to the existing cat and take some yourself!) This amazing remedy can be bought at most chemists now.

Aloe Vera Gel

Can be applied topically to wounds or burns or taken internally for Bowel problems. It is excellent for treating skin problems such as psoriasis and Eczema and also stud tail! Apply liberally! The best Aloe Vera can be bought online. The health shops do tend to have dilute versions.


Only very small quantities can improve digestion, coat, growth and boost the immune system.Chlorella does not have an immediate effect but is ideal for long term maintenance and illnesses.

Chlorella is rich in chlorophyll and is said to purify the blood, cleansing it of toxins, combat anemia, rejuvinates and revitilises, stimulates the immune system, normalises blood pressure and combats bad odors.

5)Digestive disorders.

Slippery Elm powder.

This has been used in herbal remedies for over 100 years. It is a nutritious food that was originally made into a type of pudding for those who had weak stomachs. Slippery elm is soothing , eases digestion and works with the body to draw out the impurities.

A small amount added to the food can benefit any digestive upset.

Aloe Vera Gel.

A teaspoonful a day mixed in with the food can improve your cats digestion from within. Called the ‘Miracle Plant’, Aloe Vera has been used for centuries to treat various disorders. The abundance of vitamins and minerals in this juice (including the rare B12) makes this a vital supplement for vegetarians too.


For upset bowels Some cats like it as is, but many people mix it with with a wet food. This can be bought in cans from health food shops or fresh from the supermarket.

6)Eye Infections


Commonly known as marigold, the leaves can be boiled and applied to wounds or a clean extract used to bathe the eyes. Marigold has very good antibacterial properties.


Eliminates discomforts in the mouth (gum inflammation), throat and eyes.

7)Fatigue / Old age

Bee Pollen

Bee Pollen contains a broad spectrum of essential nutrients and is an ideal pick me up for the fatigued or old cat. It has all the B complex vitamins and also A,C,D,E and K, which together provide more nutrients per calorie than an other nutritional supplement.


Home made remedies

Some owners swear by things, such as vinegar, others choose a more natural route of making their own shampoo. See one example here:

9)Growth Promoter


This single-celled fresh water algae has been shown to stimulate growth and accelerate the healing process. It is ideal as a supplement in the food of under weight kittens and will also stimulate the immune system.

Chlorella can be found in some health shops (although not many) and on the web. It is generally available in capsule or powder form.


Royal Gelly

This enhances the bodies metabolism as it is rich in natural B complex vitamins.

Readily available from chemists and online it is in tablet or capsule form and can be simply added to the food.

11)Injuries and burns

Aloe Vera Gelly

Historically this has been used for the treatment of cuts and burns. It is excellent as a first aid treatment and helps to alleviate scaring.


Prevents or alleviates bruising and swelling and is therefore good to use if a cat has any type of operation or injury, or even again after giving birth. It’s good for humans too to speed up recovery time after operations and apparently arnica cream is a good way.

For humans to get rid of love bites!!

12)Intestinal Parasites/worms


Garlic has been used for centuries to treat worms and can be safely administered via food once a day for 15 days.

It is best used crushed but can be obtained in capsules which can be broken and poured on the food.

13)Liver and Kidney


This originates in China where it is used as a traditional remedy for a variety of ailments. Rich in amino acids it nourishes the liver and kidneys. It also improves circulation and aids in hearing and vision problems.


Garcinia Cambogia.

The fruit from the south of india tree – Garcinia Cambogia.

This contains a very special compound which reduces the body’s production of fats from carbohydrates so the animal burns existing fats and this aids in weight loss. It also acts as a natural appetite suppressant.

Available in capsule form usually which must be given in a little food just before the main meal.

15)Pregnancy and Birth Problems

Raspberry leaf Caulophyllum

For pregnancy and birth. Raspberry leaf is a herbal remedy and caulophyllum is a homeopathic remedy and they do similar things. They tone the muscles of the uterus to ensure that contractions are strong, and guard against uterine inertia, where contractions fade out before its all over. They are generally recommended for cats which have experienced problems giving birth.



This is useful in a variety of illnesses but has shown beneficial signs in the treatment of Rheumatism. It has a cleansing effect in the blood system and stimulates the production of bile.

Dandelion is available in some health shops.


Rescue Remedy

One drop directly in the cats mouth will comfort and reassure.

See ‘Cure all & First Aid for more information.

18)Skin Problems

Aloe Vera Gelly

This is both soothing and healing. If applied directly to the skin it can be used to treat most skin conditions and its antibiotic properties are especially welcome.

19)Stud Tail

Aloe Vera Gelly

Applied daily on the area this will help to lift out any of the grease associated with stud tail.

Bee Propolis cream

The antibiotic properties of this cream will fight any infections normally associated with stud tail and stimulate the growth of new hair.

20)Travel Sickness


Treats nausea, travel sickness, dizziness and stress.

Available in tablet form to mix in with the food.

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  1. Several vets have told me that garlic has a negative effect on a cats immune system,and leaves it vulnerable to infections and colds and flues.Do you agree with that..
    I find your information very valueable and I thank you for it.
    Best Regards

  2. It is true, natural remedies for cats can be used with great effect for a variety of ailments. They are safe, provided you follow the recommended dosage and far fewer side effect, if any than conventional medication. I have treated my cats with natural remedies for years and they are thriving.

  3. Can propolis be safely given to a diabetic cat? I’ve used with some of my other animals, but this is for my elderly diabetic cat. He’s 18, has only been diabetic for 1 yr., and only has to take 1/2 unit of insulin twice daily. I know to start of with small amounts of propolis in general with animals to be sure no allergic reaction…I’ve given to my dog and sev. of my other cats…but not this cat with diabetes. Appreciate any help!

  4. My cat is extremely allergic to flea bites. I have tried everything from honey to peroxide. Nothing seems to soothe him or to help him not to attract the fleas. Is there something natural, other than garlic, that cats are not sensitive to and that will keep fleas away from him and soothe his skin?

    Garlic thins the blood and for cats and dogs can cause severe anemia and/or death. I like your other suggestions but become a little fearful, whenever I see garlic as a natural suggestion, about the rest of the suggestions. Please explain where you found your information on garlic.

  5. I’ve used Garlic from soft-gel on my male cat for multi-purpose and he went on just fine. Actually would puncture soft-gel for him, he would be ready to lick it up with no problem.
    I used for ongoing illness, fleas, ticks, worms. Garlic is a natural antibiotic I’ve used for an abcess on myself to fight infection. So just good to keep a bottle on hand!

  6. My cat had kittens. At a few weeks old their eyes started closing up and a few days later did the mom’s one eye. I put her on a few drops of Propolis for a few days and within 2 days the kittens eyes stopped closing and now the mom is also perfect again.

  7. I use natural remedies all the time, it’s a lot of hard work finding the correct info, so I’ll post this question here and anywhere that hopely can help.

    I am looking for a naturel anti-virus remedy, for FHV, myself and the vets have run out of idea’s as to what to do next, the kitten in question, has been on all antibiotic’s possible bar one, which could cause her a lot of joint pain, I have her stable for the minute but need to move fast to help her.

    The kitten has a chronic sinus infection caused by the FHV, both myself and the vet believe she maybe Felv or Fiv to have caused it to become a chronic condition, the Felv and Fiv has been treated, I found a remedy a few years ago that either cure’s it or sends it into a type of remission.

    Anyway, I’m looking for a naturel anti-virus remedy, or if anyone has anything that can cure or help her breathing, it’s to do with the small bones in her nose, I can’t even find info on how it is effecting the nose, no diagrams or further info from vet video’s, because it’s rear to have a cat with this chronic a condition. She is already on L-lysine, and 6 other remidies as well as two meds from the vet, it’s not getting any worse but it’s not getting any better either, it’s very chronic, I’ve already made up my mind as has the vet, that it’s best to let her go if we can’t sort it soon, it really isn’t fair on her.

    I’d be very grateful if anyone knows anything I can try.

    Thanks Peter.

    1. For Peter: Having assisted in the care of a colony of rescued, feral cats, Peter – a couple with this particular problem, I would recommend maintaining the supplementary support you are already providing and additionally, using homeopathic remedies (as prescribed by a reliable veterinary homeopath) that are appropriate constitutionally – i.e. which match the complete, current mental, emotional and physical status of your pet, besides taking into account her full history. I have found supporting the animal, via supplementation and veterinary homeopathy to be the most effective way of dealing with the chronic and acute effects of all of such major feline illnesses.
      In my experience, the online veterinary homeopaths are both more accessible and affordable and use classic, specific remedies (rather than homeopathic composites, which tend not to help for long). Reliable online veterinary homeopaths are: Irene de Villiers of Spokane, Washington (who has helped my cats and incidentally, has the distinction of having cured over 500 cases of FIP, along with curing/supporting many other feline conditions). I can testify from personal experience, that Irene’s knowledge is indeed vast and her contact via e-mail is:
      And also, there is Dr Deva Kalsa in New Zealand, who can be reached by telephone:
      TEL. Pennsylvania (USA) 215-550-4474

      1. Correction to above:
        Reliable online veterinary homeopaths are: Irene de Villiers of Spokane, Washington (who has helped my cats and incidentally, has the distinction of having cured over 500 cases of FIP, along with curing/supporting many other feline conditions). I can testify from personal experience, that Irene’s knowledge is indeed vast and her contact via e-mail is:
        And also, there is Dr Deva Kalsa in New Zealand, who can be reached by telephone:
        TEL. Pennsylvania (USA) 215-550-4474

    2. Maybe this could help! I do this to my cats with upper respiratory infection and it works very well! Get the Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother)mix it with the same amount of distilled water! Use a cotton ball dip it in the mixture and open the hair on the neck or between shoulders rub the mixture dip 2-3 times without squeezing it and wet as much as you can. Dip one of his paw in it so he will lick it! Dip your cotton ball again squeeze it and rub under his nose! Do this 3-4 times a day! For URI it takes approx. 7days! Maybe this could help you!!!! I would even try it for 10 days!!! I had a kitten who had URI since he was 2 months old! I had tried everything! At 10 months I tried this for 7-10 days and finally got rid of it! Good luck!

      1. sylvie,
        i must agree with you on the acv on the back between the shoulder blades, and paw too. It works wonders! Never really understood it, it just works. But i never heard anywhere to put it on or around the nose. without putting it around the nose it did miracles for a kitty i used to have.

    3. Hey Peter, what remedy/medicine have you found that cures or sends Felv/FIV into remission?
      I’m a rescuer and an avid natural medicine user, but have never heard of such feat against Felv.

    4. Not sure how old this post is but I’m replying to Peter or anyone else that has a cat with chronic infections….I use colloidal silver for everything. Topical and oral for sinus infections or allergies and abscesses. I treated my female Manx cat with eye drops to cure an ongoing eye infection that she was born with and could not be treated with all the drops and salves the vet gave me. It took several months of treatment directly in the eye but it worked. I keep some in a spray bottle as well to spray faces and treat wounds also liquid drops in their water and food. I have been using it on all my animals for 25 years, it really does work.

    5. Ongoing Spirilina about eight teaspoon. A sprinkle of echinacea for a week on then off, keep it up a couple months you will see improvement over 6 months. It takes about a year to get the swelling down. Keep up the l-lysine. I also put a quarter sweet potato in the wet food. The vet said my cat had blood like a youngster and he’s 18 years old!

    6. Maybe try Frankincense essential oil. You can buy the diluted form. Put a little on your hands and rub them together and rub on kittens back. Also Collodial silver could be helpful.

  8. Garlic is part of the lily family and cats appear to be quite sensitive to it, and it is very well possible to develop Heinz body anemia. It might be ok to administer a very small dose for a short time.

    Homeopathic Sulphur 30c once or twice a week has the same effect on fleas (it appears to make the skin/fur less attractive) and is certainly safer than garlic for cats. Small doses of garlic over a short amount of time may be ok, but cats appear to be specially sensitive and after a while there is a strong possibility to develop Heinz body anemia – and that will be a much bigger problem than fleas.

  9. My beautiful tabby cant even stand the sight of Frontline spot on so I have used flea tablets for years however I’ve just found Biospotix 100 Percent Natural Flea and Tick Spot-on Repellent For Cats. She purred while I administered it (and she normally hates having things administered) and the next day no fleas and now two weeks later no fleas …..

  10. My cats been licking her inner thighs and their going bald. I took her to the vet they gave her an antihistamine and it’s not working she’s also a diabetes. Help

    1. I use colloidal silver, 10ppm. Have one cat that had some sort of neurological attack, worked great. Another with two cysts under her tummy. Almost gone. Give every day. About 2 eye droppers daily. I mix the large ppm’s with distilled water. Give it to those that will in the water bottle. Read about it. Great stuff. A great natural antibiotic.

    2. I was advised of this home treatment, which worked wonders for my indoor pet, Louis, Jessica:
      A single dose of Sulphur 30C homeopathy, followed if necessary a few days later, by one dose of Nat Mur homeopathy in either 30C potency (or I was advised to go up to 200C in potency on the Nat Mur if necessary – just one dose of that one hopefully, the very least amount required to bring about improvement, being the best – yet not to go down in potency.
      This supported by a gentle, reassuring bathe in a 50% organic cider vinegar solution to 50% warm water in our bathtub – saw my half-bald cat. Louis’ fur growing luxuriantly back within 2-3 weeks. After bathing daily for around a week, we gradually tapered off the baths until by the second week, we gave approx. three or four, and the third week – just one, or two. You need to be dedicated to the treatment and very calm and reassuring, plus its essential to follow with a towel dry before the fire, with a dish of freshly-cooked, warm chicken/other treat!

  11. Jessica – the excessive licking is generally a sign of food allergies. Look for gluten free, wet cat foods with low carb content. Wellness brand cat foods are an excellent low-cost wet food choice as are raw brands like Primal and Natures Variety/Instinct.
    Also steer clear of fish formulations. There’s a misconception that cats thrive on fish formulas when in fact the high amounts of iodine lead to hyperthyroidism in cats when fed regularly and long-term.
    Switch meat types from time to time to avoid food sensitivities. Just as humans are supposed to eat from a broad spectrum of foods so are other species in order to get a variety of minerals and amino acids. Gluten including rice and oats in cat food is a huge no. This will lead to bowel issues and skin disorders. Cats should not be fed dry food nor anything with grains.
    Also avoid cat foods with ‘by product’ or ‘meal’ anywhere in the listing as this could include 4DD/toxic and diseased animal that could also lead to food sensitivities. The so called ‘Hills prescription’ cat foods are some of the most glaringly awful pet foods on the market.
    Once off these problematic foods your cat should tone down the excessive grooming and the coat should return to normal.

  12. Our 1 yr-old cat has had a kidney infection for the past 3 months. The vet prescribed 2 different antibiotics
    with no improvement. She is urinating anywhere and everywhere. She had a urine culture done and the
    bacteria is a very difficult one to cure. We may have to have her put to sleep soon. Any recommendations
    or advice? Thank you.

    1. If your cat has a uti (urinary tract infection), then the culture should show what she is growing. What is the name of it? Is it gram negative? There are more than two antibiotic alternatives. I cannot imagine putting down a cat for a kidney infection or UTI.. How do you know it is pylonephritis? (Kidney primarily?). Did you have blood work done and what are the results of the latest test called the SDMA which can pick up early kidney disease?.. Also there is the BUN and creatinine tests to consider along with looking at the electrolytes of the cat. If the cat is having accidents, then it is probably a cystitis that causes burning when the cat urinates and can make it almost impossible for her to hold it when her little inflammed bladder has fluid in it as it burns…(thus the accidents).. Stay with her and make sure she is on the antibiotic that they do sensitivities for? If they did a culture, they usually go ahead with the sensitivities, and this will show what organism she is growing and what antibiotic the organism is senstive to.. Tell me what it is , and I could guess what might help.. Ask if they did sensitivities? I have 3 cats. One has had a bad infection more than once. We nipped it in the bud with clavaseptin. But, there are others.. Rebecca

  13. Tish- I don’t know what bacteria is causing your cat’s UTI, the most common bacteria that causes UTI’s is e-coli. My 18yr-old cat has had several UTI’s over the last few yrs. and d-mannose has worked every time. It works for humans as well as animals. D-mannose is a type of sugar which the body can absorb only a small amount of and the rest is excreted through the kidneys (peed out). D-mannose prevents bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract so the bacteria is just peed out with the unabsorbed d-mannose. It works very quickly with my kitty, usually 1 tsp. in some liquid, (I use lactose free milk) and then another tsp. a few hours. later takes care of it! I’ve been very impressed with how effective it is and how quickly it works. It may only work with e-coli but I’m not positive about that, it’s certainly worth a try and it will not harm your cat. You can buy d-mannose in health food stores or pharmacies that sell vitamin and herbs sometimes has it, or you can order online. I hope this helps!

  14. Cats and garlic is not a good idea, members of the allium family (onion genus, onions, garlic, chives, scallions, shallots and leeks) will cause anaemia. If it’s small amounts and given for a short time it will probably be ok as it takes time to develop anaemia, but I personally would not risk it.

  15. This is all very informative. I hve a question about feline obesity. There re 4 cats living at my parent’s house – one mail and 3 female (sisters). All over 8 years of age. All of them are normal weight except one of the females. She is severely obese and will not stop eating. We will try the Garcinia, but is there anything else that could help in a multi-cat household? It seems like she does not know when to stop and when the other cats eat she chases them away so she can eat their food. It’s very sad to see. 🙁

  16. This is for Peter. I have been treating my cat with Feline Leukemia Virus with Silver Hydrosol, a dropper full 3-4 times a day. It is antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal. I also add a few drops of Miracle II Neutralizer. There have been no side effects. He had lost so much weight and now has gained it back. He is running and jumping to his usual high places. Hope this helps.

  17. My cat has an open sore on his neck. I have tried so much stuff and nothing is healing it. when you put the garlic gel on your pet do u cover it up so he or she doesn’t strach at it. My cat is 15 yrs old, do not go out side. Please help. thanks

    1. Applying a little organic honey daily for a few days, is often magic (even if a little messy!) for healing ulcers, Millie. I’ve found this works. In the case of humans, you generally use a 4″x4″ gauze (bandaged in place) over the honey application, which somehow also helps to encourage new skin growth over the sore. Perhaps someone will know of a feline equivalent for such a dressing?

  18. Hello Millie,

    Catalyst Altered Water by Dr. Willard is what I have used for 30 years. Both personally and for my animals. If my cat had a neck sore I would spray it daily. My friend had 2 of her pit dogs get into a bad fight and she used Willard water. If you read up on Willard Water its sounds a little crazy but it works.

  19. 4 ~KARLA ~

    try feeding your obese cat sepretly @the same time as the others, then let them go back to socialize again like they usualy do ( & pick up the food bowls after they eat) feed them 1-3times a dayaround a cup size for each cat (1-2hands full of food for each cat,that way u control the food & behavior, cats eat fast u wont have to wait long. pCe hope this helped -A

  20. My cat had a bump under his eye that grew larger over 1-3 days, it was getting so swollen/hard that I just took a tweezers to it, thinking maybe it was a tick that had engorged on feeding (I use topical flea/tick med), there was no insect to speak of, but bloody hair was easily removed, in pieces, maybe like a blood blister? Can I use straight aloe vera gel from the real plant on an open cat wound? or human neosporin? It’s too late to call the vet. Or I have terramycin ointment for use in and around his eyes, for a problem earlier this spring, but it didn’t help, it actually made the eye worse, weep, water, and get pink. Second vet visit I was given lycine chews for cat herpes, which cleared it up until 2 weeks ago, he weeped again but it went away, but it’s a little weepy today. Thanks if anyone has advice.

  21. My cat was in a fight 3-4 weeks ago. He injured his left front fore leg and foot. It is warm, a little swollen and painfull to the touch. He eats well, drinks plenty of water and bathes him self often. Have been using 1/4 tsp organic coconut oil to coat his cat food, what else can I do to help him heal

    1. I use Colloidal silver 3 x or more a day! You can have it in spray, gel or just liquid that you can apply with a cotton ball! You need a good quality of Silver! You can add some to his wet food 3cc or in a dropper and give directly in the mouth! It tastes like water! He probably has an abcess!

  22. Karia – I recommend to have feeding time maybe 2 – 3 times a day and after that remove the food until its time again to feed.
    And feed the cat who eats too much in a separate room!! In that way she will natural not eat too much as they are separated in that time and as you also remove the food till to the next feeding time.
    They will get used to that change…

  23. Hi Peter – You say: “the Felv and Fiv has been treated, I found a remedy a few years ago that either cure’s it or sends it into a type of remission.”
    Can you please let me know the name of the remedy you found to treat the Felv and Fiv?
    Thank you !!

  24. What can you put in a ferrel cat’s food to treat an eye infection. Obviously I am not able to put something in his eye because I can’t get near him.

    1. I sprinkle half of a capsule of L-Lysine on my cats wet food. He has conjunctivitis in both eyes and this really helps. I live alone and putting ointment in his eyes was impossible with just one person.

  25. I have a kitten she is 10 weeks old. the right ear is oosing clear puss and the right side of her face is triple in size it is so swollen. what do I do naturally. I have on hand coconut oil, peroxide, and apple cider vinegar. will any of this help? Or something else…?

  26. We believe are 20 year old cat has Vestibular Disorder.
    Are there any safe herbs that can be given to help her? She is eating and I am giving water by syringe. She is not standing as of today, but stretches and moves her legs. She can not fully hold her head up. Her eyes move from side to side and she follows my finger up and down.
    Any advice?

    1. I had a Border Collie that was diagnosed with Vestibular Disorder,when it was actually a stroke.
      She had been put on a short five day course of cortisone for an old back injury, but this blocked
      her own immune system from working and led to a stroke.

  27. This is for Peter. My 16 yr old gets the fiv cold repeatedly w sinus infection & stuffy & runny nose. I recently tried homeopathic sinus relief drops put in a small dosing cup & given w clean glass dropper–1/4 dropper or less may be good for kitten–his nose opened right up. Have tried children’s cold & flu homeopathic drops w similar immediate results. Bee Propolis–powdered in very small capsule given down the throat seems to be a miracle long term cure. So does organic bee pollen, which seems to be good for everything. He also gets a multivitamin, antioxidants like glutathione–the master antioxidant & lecithin. Organic propolis is a natural antibiotic. Will be trying this & other bee products & looking into colloidal silver if there are still symptoms. Hope this helps…

    1. San Pharma Notatum, homeopathic drops. They work magic with feline upper resp, eye infections, and herpes. I start them when my cat displays the first signs and it’s usually over in a few days. They’re given orally in a syringe with water, away from food. Best before bed time.

  28. Hi, I found this site very useful. I have several cats and have tried to use home remedies for their problem. I want to ask some home remedy for cats mouth sore , as one of my cat is in severe pain because of it. vet has tried antibiotics but he is somewhat allergic to them…If someone knows plz help.Thanks

    1. Perhaps try good quality colloidal silver as it’s anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial , a natural antibiotic. Perhaps a vitamin B2 supplement could help your cat too. Best wishes

  29. Hello Peter, sorry to hear that your cat is going through hard times 🙁 hope he/she has already got better. I have a cat with FIV and he has had constant infections. He has suffered a lot but he’s still alive and kicking somehow… I think he’s very strong and brave. I love him dearly and I would like to help him treat his FIV since he already has kidney problems and due to that he got periodontal disease. The vet told me that due to his condition she would not recommend a tooth extraction since it would compromise his immune system and his kidneys or liver would likely be affected. I don’t want him to suffer any longer, I want him to feel better and recover, BUT I haven’t got many options. I would like to know how you treated your cats FIV and if you (or anyone else here) knew about a toporal or oral antibiotic treatment for him and the proper doses, I would absolutely appreciate it.

  30. I have a 5-6 year old cat with rotten back teeth. I live on a fixed income and cannot afford the several hundred dollars for surgery. Is there herbal antibiotics that I can give her.

  31. I had the same problem with a kitten who had upper respiratory since she was 2 months old and now 10 months! I tried colloidal silver grapefruit seed extract! Don’t laugh at me but the only thing that got rid of it was: half distilled water and half of Bragg apple cider vinegar with the mother mix together! I used a cotton ball and soak it in the mixture and without squezzing it rub the scruff part of her neck until it was very wet! Then I would use another cotton ball dip it and squeezed it and rub the inner part of her ears, then i would dip it again squeezed a little bit and clean her nose and rubbed under it so she could smell it! I woul dip her paw in it so she could lick it or put 5-10 drops of the mixture in her wet food! I would do this 3 x a day! After 7 days she was cured! I would have done it for a longer period if it hadn’t work! I saw this method on the internet but I find that half and half works better! It did the job! If your cat has a very stuffed nose you can put one cup of Bragg in water in a kettle that runs continuously! You put the kettle in a small bathroom with your cat! Let it run for 20 minutes! You will see your cat nose will start running! I put my cat in a cage covered with a blanket that covers the cage and the kettle! You have to make sure the cat doesn’t get wet!!!!! Good luck!! You have to use an organic apple cider vinegar with the mother only if you want this to work! Bragg is the best to me!

  32. Hi there, my cat is 10 and he has a tumour on the gum of his canine tooth. He is booked in for it to be removed along with his tooth poor thing but this isn’t for another month yet! In the meantime I want to help him if he is in any discomfort. Also the tumour has turned a yellow green colour on the bottom and smells bad. The vets didn’t give me anything for this. Can I give him anything to help in the meantime?

  33. Help!! U R G E N T ! ! I have several cats (30+) that I love and care for who are all sick with an URI. I am in the process of moving and need these cats to be healthy in order to have them considered for adoption programs here with my local humane society and county shelter. Time is not on my hands and watching my kitties go thru this is killing me! I love them 1 and all and want the best for them. I need some really good natural remedy advice with detailed instruction. A miracle would be even better but I’ll be grateful for your suggestions and recommendations!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  34. I have a cat who is a rescue . He is about 17 or 18 he has a foul odor in his mouth and he eats and a few hours later throws up . I’m looking for a natural remedy due to his age .

  35. Hello there, I found this site exceptionally helpful. I have a few felines and have attempted to utilise home solutions for their issue. I need to approach some home solution for felines mouth sore , as one of my feline is in extreme torment as a result of it. vet has attempted anti-microbial yet he is to some degree adversely affected by them… Anybody with a solution for us……Thanks ahead.

    1. Hey …..
      i rescue a kitten 4-5 days ago but from the day I adopted her she is not pooping ND her poop area is also infected i. visited veterian for her nd they gave some medicine but those medicine are useless she is still in pain …is anybody have a good treatment for her

  36. we have a cat that is so precious to us , hes 8 yrs old, he got sick saturday and hasn’t had a drink til sun . nite then we gave him some none juice which is suppose to help, well today i took him to the vet. and 379.00 later he found out we were not wealthy people he more or less wanted to put our cat to sleep , i said no . got my husband from work which he was done for the day, i got the cat but had to give him a post dateds check for 100.00 to make him happy.but he said our cat has liver, and gall bladder and pancreas problems, , what could i do to help him with natural remedies ?please it means the world to us.

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